Random Selection
Find random selection tools depending on your requirements.
The Shortest Straw
The Shortest Straw is a selection method, or form of sorting, used by a group to choose one member of the group to perform a task after none of them have volunteered for it. The same practice can also be used to choose one among several volunteers, in case an agreement cannot be reached.
Random Number Generator
Random Number Generator is a simple tool to generate random numbers between a defined minimum and maximum.
Roll the Dice
Use this tool to play board games, try your luck, etc. This is a tool to generate random values using 6-sided dice. This tool allows you to use up to 20 dice.
Numerical Roulette
Make a draw using a roulette wheel with up to 100 spaces. Number roulette is a tool for choosing a number in a defined range.
Flip a Coin
Can't decide? Use this coin flip tool and let it decide for you.
Magic 8 Ball
Use this tool to help you to decide or ask for advice. Ask the ball a yes-no question, then spin it to reveal an answer.